About Us

The Hocak Worak is a periodical published twice monthly by the Ho-Chunk Nation. Editorials and articles appearing in the Hocak Worak are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or attitude of the Hocak Worak staff or the Ho-Chunk Nation. The Hocak Worak encourages the submission of letters to the Editor. All letters must include the signature, address and telephone number of the author. Letters are subject to editing for grammar, length, malicious and libelous content. The Hocak Worak reserves the right to reject any advertising, material, or letters submitted for publication. The submission of articles, poetry, artwork and photos is encouraged. The Editor makes the sole decision of what is published in the Hocak Worak. The Hocak Worak will not assume any responsibility for unsolicited material. Submissions deadlines for the Hocak Worak are by 4:30PM of the deadline week. We cannot guarantee the publication of submissions meeting these deadlines if the space is not available. No part of this publication may be produced without express written consent from the Editor.